Special Education Analysis
We take a team approach, with consultants from various areas of expertise, to find commendations and make recommendations about a district's special education program. Our team uses district, state and national data along with best practices to develop findings, recommendations and conclusions that identify staff and program costs and processes that do not provide adequate student benefit with respect to special student achievement expectations at the building and district level. The consultants provide data-driven direction for school districts looking to monitor special education funding and expenditures, as well as staffing patterns and IEP service plans, to maximize academic benefits and parental satisfaction yet control costs. Analysis typically would include findings and recommendations regarding: district culture, school climate and administration; disability specifics and comparisons; diversity and ethnicity; school completion and discipline; student outcomes; costs and funding.
School Consultation
The Consultant role is to advise the school administration and/or Board of Education as to educational best practices for any area of the school district’s operation in question. This advice can be in any format desirable to the school district. Oral and written reporting, as well as presentations, to teaching staff, support staff, administration and/or the Board of Education are among the options available to the school district. Consultants are available through American Educational Consultants in a wide variety of specific areas of educational expertise.
School Relocation Consultation and School Research for Mediation
The consultant role is to advise families who are relocating or going through family mediation by researching and identifying high quality school districts that meet the specific needs and criteria set forth by the family. For school relocation needs, the consultant will work with the family to understand both their neighborhood preferences and educational needs before researching the top area schools that meet these criteria. For those going through mediation, the consultant will work with the client to determine the pros and cons of placement options based on the specific student and family needs. Families will be provided with a data analysis on the identified districts as well as a narrative report summarizing the recommendations.
Parent/Student/School Mediation Services
The Consultant role in mediation between parents, students and the school is that of an impartial mediator, taking neither the side of the school district, the parent, the student or any other party involved in the educational situation. The Consultant acts as a facilitator to open the lines of communication. Central issues are defined and potential solutions will be outlined to allow the school and parent/student to choose a mutually acceptable course of action.
Maximize Funding
AEC has experienced professionals in Business Services (including finance and grants) to help navigate through these new financial and educational times. New BAs who need more familiarity with SAM UEI, NJHomeroom/EWEG can receive individualized assistance. AEC helps maximize your funding while improving your education with the peace of mind for your MOE, Grants and Special Education compliance needs.
Board Training
The Consultant role is to assist your board self-assess its work and operational processes. In addition the consultant can conduct sessions with your board and administrative leadership to develop a plan for continuous improvement and, upon request, survey staff/community or conduct focus groups to assist the Board of Education determine what steps it wants to take to improve how it goes about its work.
Staff Training
The Consultant role is to identify with the school administration the needs for staff development programming and then to provide that programming. Examples of topics available include:
*Dealing Effectively With Bullying in School
*Master Schedule Development
*Educational Problem Identification, Prioritizing and Solving
*Best Practices: A report designed for a specific area of the district’s operation, curriculum, fiscal or support components
*Strategic Planning
*Avoiding Litigation Through Proper Administration of Master Agreements
*Instructional Alignment: Guaranteed Student Mastery of Instructional/Curricular Objectives
*Data Analysis
*Guaranteeing Improved Test Scores
*Improved Board/Administration Relationships
*Special Education
*Gifted Education
*Proper Fiscal Practices
*Effective Central Office Functioning
*School Building Climate/Operation
Technology Analysis
The Consultant role is to work with school technology staff to identify the instructional needs, analyze the internal capacity to satisfy those needs, and develop recommendations for the district/school with respect to proper staffing as well as future purchases of hardware, software and support.
New Leaders Academy
Meta-analysis has shown unequivocally that improving principals' leadership abilities has a significant impact on student achievement. Districts with new administrators can take advantage of our expertise: designed for newer (or experienced) administrators looking for tools. The sessions use a mixture of hypothetical and real-world experiences for administrative mentorship. Our consultants have "been there and done that" in order to help you with whatever challenges you face. The New Leaders Academy is available as a series of sessions including mentorship opportunities but can be modified to fit your district's needs. Click here for more information.
Development of a Daily Schedule
The Consultant role in the process of restructuring the daily schedule is to work with the school to devise a daily schedule that fulfills the specific needs of the individual building and the district. The Consultant guides key school leaders through the restructuring and the handling of the process from commitment through implementation of the new schedule. Consultation would include planning and implementing a needs assessment, preparing proper process plans, conducting open forums, and implementing the schedule including any level of approvals appropriate. Direction in creating post-implementation plans, and guidance in fine-tuning after substantive evaluations of the initial implementation, and determining the process of conducting ongoing needs assessments, are also available.
Special Projects
Every school district has areas of its operation that emerge as needing improvement. Often no particular administrator is in position to direct that improvement properly. The Consultant role can be very helpful in these situations. Consultants can assist current staff to identify the problems and solutions. The Consultant is in position to research best practices, recommend appropriate practices for the specific school district, assist in the implementation of the desired solution(s), and monitor data designed to demonstrate successful results.
We take a team approach, with consultants from various areas of expertise, to find commendations and make recommendations about a district's special education program. Our team uses district, state and national data along with best practices to develop findings, recommendations and conclusions that identify staff and program costs and processes that do not provide adequate student benefit with respect to special student achievement expectations at the building and district level. The consultants provide data-driven direction for school districts looking to monitor special education funding and expenditures, as well as staffing patterns and IEP service plans, to maximize academic benefits and parental satisfaction yet control costs. Analysis typically would include findings and recommendations regarding: district culture, school climate and administration; disability specifics and comparisons; diversity and ethnicity; school completion and discipline; student outcomes; costs and funding.
School Consultation
The Consultant role is to advise the school administration and/or Board of Education as to educational best practices for any area of the school district’s operation in question. This advice can be in any format desirable to the school district. Oral and written reporting, as well as presentations, to teaching staff, support staff, administration and/or the Board of Education are among the options available to the school district. Consultants are available through American Educational Consultants in a wide variety of specific areas of educational expertise.
School Relocation Consultation and School Research for Mediation
The consultant role is to advise families who are relocating or going through family mediation by researching and identifying high quality school districts that meet the specific needs and criteria set forth by the family. For school relocation needs, the consultant will work with the family to understand both their neighborhood preferences and educational needs before researching the top area schools that meet these criteria. For those going through mediation, the consultant will work with the client to determine the pros and cons of placement options based on the specific student and family needs. Families will be provided with a data analysis on the identified districts as well as a narrative report summarizing the recommendations.
Parent/Student/School Mediation Services
The Consultant role in mediation between parents, students and the school is that of an impartial mediator, taking neither the side of the school district, the parent, the student or any other party involved in the educational situation. The Consultant acts as a facilitator to open the lines of communication. Central issues are defined and potential solutions will be outlined to allow the school and parent/student to choose a mutually acceptable course of action.
Maximize Funding
AEC has experienced professionals in Business Services (including finance and grants) to help navigate through these new financial and educational times. New BAs who need more familiarity with SAM UEI, NJHomeroom/EWEG can receive individualized assistance. AEC helps maximize your funding while improving your education with the peace of mind for your MOE, Grants and Special Education compliance needs.
Board Training
The Consultant role is to assist your board self-assess its work and operational processes. In addition the consultant can conduct sessions with your board and administrative leadership to develop a plan for continuous improvement and, upon request, survey staff/community or conduct focus groups to assist the Board of Education determine what steps it wants to take to improve how it goes about its work.
Staff Training
The Consultant role is to identify with the school administration the needs for staff development programming and then to provide that programming. Examples of topics available include:
*Dealing Effectively With Bullying in School
*Master Schedule Development
*Educational Problem Identification, Prioritizing and Solving
*Best Practices: A report designed for a specific area of the district’s operation, curriculum, fiscal or support components
*Strategic Planning
*Avoiding Litigation Through Proper Administration of Master Agreements
*Instructional Alignment: Guaranteed Student Mastery of Instructional/Curricular Objectives
*Data Analysis
*Guaranteeing Improved Test Scores
*Improved Board/Administration Relationships
*Special Education
*Gifted Education
*Proper Fiscal Practices
*Effective Central Office Functioning
*School Building Climate/Operation
Technology Analysis
The Consultant role is to work with school technology staff to identify the instructional needs, analyze the internal capacity to satisfy those needs, and develop recommendations for the district/school with respect to proper staffing as well as future purchases of hardware, software and support.
New Leaders Academy
Meta-analysis has shown unequivocally that improving principals' leadership abilities has a significant impact on student achievement. Districts with new administrators can take advantage of our expertise: designed for newer (or experienced) administrators looking for tools. The sessions use a mixture of hypothetical and real-world experiences for administrative mentorship. Our consultants have "been there and done that" in order to help you with whatever challenges you face. The New Leaders Academy is available as a series of sessions including mentorship opportunities but can be modified to fit your district's needs. Click here for more information.
Development of a Daily Schedule
The Consultant role in the process of restructuring the daily schedule is to work with the school to devise a daily schedule that fulfills the specific needs of the individual building and the district. The Consultant guides key school leaders through the restructuring and the handling of the process from commitment through implementation of the new schedule. Consultation would include planning and implementing a needs assessment, preparing proper process plans, conducting open forums, and implementing the schedule including any level of approvals appropriate. Direction in creating post-implementation plans, and guidance in fine-tuning after substantive evaluations of the initial implementation, and determining the process of conducting ongoing needs assessments, are also available.
Special Projects
Every school district has areas of its operation that emerge as needing improvement. Often no particular administrator is in position to direct that improvement properly. The Consultant role can be very helpful in these situations. Consultants can assist current staff to identify the problems and solutions. The Consultant is in position to research best practices, recommend appropriate practices for the specific school district, assist in the implementation of the desired solution(s), and monitor data designed to demonstrate successful results.