Frequently Asked Questions
Special Education Analysis
Is special education in your school district costing about the same as in other school districts?
Is special education providing educational benefits to its identified students to the same degree as other schools?
Has your school district identified about the same percentage of students as others for special educational services?
Has your school district provided quality special education services given the funding provided to it by local, state and federal sources?
Has your school district done everything it could to control costs for special education?
Are special education students receiving appropriate instruction and performing adequately at reasonable costs to taxpayers?
Do you have an inordinate amount of parental complaints or due process actions against your district?
Parent/Student/School Mediation Services
What do I do if my child's teachers are not fulfilling my expectations of them?
How can I get the school principal/headmaster to understand my child's special needs?
How can I tell if the school personnel are right and I'm being too harsh, too lenient, or if I have unrealistic expectations of my child, the teachers and/or the school?
What recourse do I have if I believe my child is being unduly punished with detentions, suspensions or expulsion?
Special Education Mediation Services
How do I ask for and receive all the services my special education child has rights to receive without getting the teachers and principal upset with me?
What are all the abbreviated terms the school personnel use -- IEP, MFE, IAT, FAPE, LRE?
What is my recourse if the school personnel are wrong about the needs of my child?
How can I tell if the school personnel are right and I'm being unrealistically optomistic or pessimistic about the ability my child has to be successful in school and later in life?
Is the school obligated to graduate my child?
Can my special education child be suspended or expelled from school?
Can my special education child go to college? Are there special services there for my child?
Is special education in your school district costing about the same as in other school districts?
Is special education providing educational benefits to its identified students to the same degree as other schools?
Has your school district identified about the same percentage of students as others for special educational services?
Has your school district provided quality special education services given the funding provided to it by local, state and federal sources?
Has your school district done everything it could to control costs for special education?
Are special education students receiving appropriate instruction and performing adequately at reasonable costs to taxpayers?
Do you have an inordinate amount of parental complaints or due process actions against your district?
Parent/Student/School Mediation Services
What do I do if my child's teachers are not fulfilling my expectations of them?
How can I get the school principal/headmaster to understand my child's special needs?
How can I tell if the school personnel are right and I'm being too harsh, too lenient, or if I have unrealistic expectations of my child, the teachers and/or the school?
What recourse do I have if I believe my child is being unduly punished with detentions, suspensions or expulsion?
Special Education Mediation Services
How do I ask for and receive all the services my special education child has rights to receive without getting the teachers and principal upset with me?
What are all the abbreviated terms the school personnel use -- IEP, MFE, IAT, FAPE, LRE?
What is my recourse if the school personnel are wrong about the needs of my child?
How can I tell if the school personnel are right and I'm being unrealistically optomistic or pessimistic about the ability my child has to be successful in school and later in life?
Is the school obligated to graduate my child?
Can my special education child be suspended or expelled from school?
Can my special education child go to college? Are there special services there for my child?